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Long-Term Effects of a Spinal Cord Injury


When you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury, speak with a Tampa personal injury lawyer near you. The effects of your injury can impact your life in permanent ways, and if someone else caused your injury, they should be held responsible. Your health and well-being will be changed completely, leaving you to struggle to recover from your injuries.

But what long-term effects can you expect if you’ve been diagnosed with a spinal cord injury? Here’s what you need to know when you’re hurt and struggling to recover from your injuries.

Motor Control Loss and Paralysis

When we talk about spinal cord injuries, one of the first concerns many injury victims have is paralysis. Let’s say you were hit by a car on your bike, and that completely severed your spinal cord. In these cases, you may have permanent loss of motor control below the point of the injury. That leaves you without the ability to move on your own.

Even damage that doesn’t sever the spinal cord can be devastating. You may find that you have less control of your movements, suffering from weakness and difficulties you didn’t previously experience.

Lack of Sensation

Loss of movement is only a part of the paralysis you may be experiencing. You may also be unable to feel anything below the point of the injury.

The spinal cord is the system that sends messages between the brain and the body. If this system is damaged, the messages can’t travel between the brain and body.

That can be dangerous for paralyzed people. Let’s say you suffered an infection in your leg. Someone without your injuries may feel the pain and other sensations from the infection. If you don’t regularly check yourself, an infection can grow more severe without your realizing it until it causes severe harm to you.

Emotional Impacts of a Spinal Cord Injury

These injuries have more than a physical impact. They also affect your mental and emotional health. Many people who lose the sensation and use of parts of their body suffer from depression and anxiety because of these injuries, impacting their overall mental health. They may have trouble enjoying the things they once loved, and they may need assistance with basic tasks, which can be distressing.

These intangible damages may be difficult to calculate, but they’re a key part of your potential compensation when you take the responsible party to court and win your injury claim. These damages can impact your quality of life permanently. If you’re struggling to overcome the suffering you’re experiencing because of your accident, you may need a lawyer’s help with your claim.

Hurt? Let Your Injury Lawyer Help

No matter what caused your spinal cord injury, you’re hurt, and someone else may have been at fault for the injuries you suffered. Luckily, you don’t have to focus on recovering without help.

A spinal injury lawyer at Anderson & Anderson is here to help. During your free consultation, we can discuss your spine injury and who may be responsible for the long-term injury you’ve suffered. We can then focus on helping you get compensated fairly for your injuries.

When you’re ready to learn more about your options for compensation, reach out by calling 813-251-0072 or by completing the online contact form below.

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